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Our Promise To You

Susie Dasher Elementary will take the following measures to promote and support parents as an important foundation of the school to strengthen the school and reach our school goals.  We will: 


  • Communicate with all families and the community throughout the year to announce school wide events and activities using text messaging (Remind 101), PBIS Rewards, the school Web site, flyers
  • Provide all information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities published in both English and Spanish, posted on the school Web site, phone calls, text messaging (Remind 101) and written notes.
  • Share information in English and Spanish on the school Website and in the school newsletter for parents to understand the school’s academic standards and assessments as well as the ways parent can monitor their child’s progress and work with educators.
  • Communicate with all families and the community on a regular basis regarding school wide events and activities, through workshops, text messaging, (Remind 101), flyers, and the school Website.
  • Partner with Head Start, other early reading programs and Pre-K programs by conducting joint staff meetings for parents and sending school information about parent engagement activities to help prepare parents and their child for kindergarten and improve school transition.
  • Partner with Dublin Middle School to develop transition plan and activities for students transitioning from fourth grade to Fifth grade.
  • Conduct professional learning for the staff on parent involvement practices and effective strategies for staff to communicate and build partnerships with parents.
  • Schedule activities, workshops, and events at different times of the day, throughout the year.
  • Offer workshops that train parents to work with their child academically and provide technology workshops for parents to enhance educational levels.
  • Use our School-Parent Advisory Team to improve awareness of the activities and events listed in the school parental involvement policy.
  • Provide necessary materials and handouts for parent at conferences, meetings, and activities to help parents work with their child to improve their child’s achievement.
  • Collect feedback from parents at all events, post a suggestion form on the school website and place suggestion/input forms around the school.