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Counselor's Corner

What is the role of the counselor?

Susie Dasher Elementary School has one full-time counselor who is available to provide support to all students, parents and staff.  She:  

  • Provide short-term individual counseling for Pre-K thru 4th Grade students to assist in goal setting based on academic, attendance, behavior, and social/emotional data.
  • Provide support and assistance to students and families as they navigate crisis and emergency situations.
  • Conduct classroom guidance lessons.
  • Provide targeted (if needed) small group counseling when behavioral, social or emotional issues interfere with academic progress.
  • Collaborate with parents, teachers, and administration.
  • Participate in Student Support Team Meetings.
  • Support attendance goals and initiatives.
  • Connect parents to outside resources when help is needed.
  • Parents, teachers, and students can initiate referrals to the counselor.

Classroom Guidance 

Through books, activities and discussion, students identify personal strengths to positively impact school performance. All students in Kindergarten - 4th Grade participate in Classroom Guidance with the counselor.  Classroom Guidance lessons for Susie Dasher Elementary Schoolers are inspired by American School Counselor Association National Counseling Standards for students in each grade level.



Waukita Wright, Ed.S.

Counselor Grades PK-4

Email: // By Phone:  (478) 353 - 8270